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Our Manifest

We are a close community of interdimensional pieces of meat willing to gain and share Love and Integrity through the deep discovering of the Self.

We believe that the world, by its nature, is mental and represents a singular, eternal, empty Consciousness, and each of us, as individuals, is the pinnacle of its creativity and material manifestation—a unique and irreplaceable intelligent point of perception—a Soul.

We believe that humans are created through the self-development of this Consciousness, via the great cosmic act of its creativity, to achieve the most important culmination point—the realization of the unbreakable and literal unity of a human being and the Consciousness that gave birth to it.

We know that the human body hides a Mystery, and each person carries within themselves a dormant mechanism. Activation of this mechanism initiates transformation, and its full realization leads to the attainment of an ineffable state of unity with the original Consciousness. Therein lies the purpose of every individual and humanity as a whole.

We are confident that the main global trend now is the discovery of this fact, and every day more and more people make this staggering and mind-bending discovery. We believe that in the next decade, a new, broader understanding like a ruinous tsunami will sweep away the old paradigms built on egocentrism and denial of the grandeur and inviolability of the human Soul.

Psychedelics are our best friends and helpers in realizing this fundamentally important yet equally inconspicuous fact, further deepening it, and developing true spirituality. We believe that humans are the key link in the chain of the vertical evolution of Consciousness, and in this challenging task, the ingenious author has left us enough hidden helpers. Symbolically, the ancient inhabitants of our planet carry sacred knowledge within them, revealing it to those bold enough to endure the unbearable masquerade reigning on the planet. And even a glimpse into this keyhole is enough for the fortunate ones to forever cease being the same.

If you see things similarly, if you use given knowlege wisley, it means we are on the same path. Let’s become this Tsunamy wave, let’s finally be the ocean and not separate drops!

Our projects

Psychedelic Club is a part of a special family of projects aiming to unite a lighthearted approach to life with a constant awareness of its unimaginable depth and meaning hidden beneath its apparent banality.

We believe that this lightness is achievable only when, in each and every moment, you remember and know deep within that you are a part of an incredible Mystery, and your evolution is possible, and it has already begun.

Psychedelic Club is fast growing community of true spirits

Ironic yet iconic brand dedicated to Jesus the Christ and his humble work for a humanity

T-shirts and caps someone will genuinely love

Fine selection of embroidery patches and stickers